
How to Track Your Keyword Rankings

In online marketing, Mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very crucial, for staying ahead of the competition and one of the key elements of SEO is to track keyword rankings. Understanding where your website stands in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords is vital for optimizing your content and strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of tracking keyword rankings, two effective methods to do so, and the optimal frequency for monitoring your rankings.

Why Track Keyword Rankings?

  1. Insight into Performance:

– Knowing your keyword rankings provides valuable insights into how well your SEO efforts are performing. It helps you understand which keywords are driving organic traffic to your site and which ones may need more attention.

  1. Competitive Analysis:

– Monitoring your keyword rankings allows you to assess your competitors’ positions in SERPs. This information is crucial for adjusting your strategy to stay competitive in your industry.

  1. Identifying Opportunities:

– Tracking keyword rankings helps you identify new opportunities. By recognizing keywords where you are close to ranking on the first page, you can focus your efforts to improve your position and capture more organic traffic.

  1. Content Optimization:

– Understanding your keyword rankings enables you to optimize existing content. By identifying keywords that are not performing well, you can update and enhance your content to improve its relevance and ranking.

  1. Measuring ROI:

– For businesses investing in SEO, tracking keyword rankings is essential for measuring the return on investment (ROI). It allows you to correlate improvements in rankings with increases in organic traffic and conversions.

Methods to Track Keyword Rankings:

  1. Manual Search Method:

The manual search method involves manually searching for your target keywords on search engines like Google and noting your website’s position in the search results.

Steps to Track Keyword Rankings Manually:

  1. Identify Target Keywords:

– Begin by compiling a list of target keywords relevant to your business or content.

  1. Perform Searches:

– Enter each target keyword into a search engine and record your website’s position in the search results.

  1. Document Results:

– Maintain a spreadsheet or use a dedicated tool to document the rankings regularly.

  1. Monitor Changes:

– Regularly repeat the process to monitor changes in your keyword rankings over time.

Advantages of Manual Search Method:

Cost-Effective: This method is cost-effective as it doesn’t require any specialized tools.

Customization: You have complete control over the keywords you track and the frequency of tracking.

Drawbacks of Manual Search Method:

Time-Consuming: Manually searching for multiple keywords can be time-consuming.

Limited Data: It provides limited data compared to automated tools, making it challenging to analyze trends accurately.

  1. Google Search Console:

Google Search Console is a powerful tool provided by Google that offers detailed insights into your website’s performance in search results.

Steps to Track Keyword Rankings Using Google Search Console:

  1. Access Google Search Console:

– Log in to your Google Search Console account and select the property (website) you want to analyze.

  1. Navigate to the Performance Report:

– In the left-hand menu, under Performance, click on “Search Results” to access the performance report.

track keyword rankings search results

Next, click on average position

track keyword rankings avg position

  1. View Queries and Pages:

– Explore the “Queries” section to view the keywords driving traffic to your site and the “Pages” section to see which pages are performing well.

track keyword rankings queries

  1. Analyze Trends:

– Monitor changes in clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and average position over time to understand keyword ranking trends.

You can adjust your dates by clicking on the “Date: Last 3 months” option.

track keyword rankings date

You can even compare your rankings to the previous period rankings by clicking on the ‘Compare’ tab.

track keyword rankings compare

track keyword rankings compare2

You can export these reports easily, by clicking the ‘Export’ button at the top right.

Advantages of Google Search Console:

Accurate Data: Google Search Console provides accurate data directly from the search engine.

Comprehensive Insights: In addition to keyword rankings, it offers information on impressions, clicks, and CTR.

Drawbacks of Google Search Console:

– Limited Historical Data: The tool provides data for the past 16 months, limiting long-term trend analysis.

– Not Real-Time: While data is updated regularly, it is not real-time, making it less suitable for immediate monitoring.


How Often Should You Track Keyword Rankings?

The frequency of tracking keyword rankings depends on various factors, including the industry, competitiveness of keywords, and the pace of changes in search algorithms. However, a general guideline is to monitor keyword rankings on a regular basis. Here are some considerations:

  1. Weekly Monitoring:

– For highly competitive industries or businesses with a strong emphasis on SEO, weekly monitoring is advisable. This allows for prompt identification of any sudden drops or improvements in rankings.

  1. Bi-Weekly Monitoring:

– This frequency is suitable for businesses with moderately competitive keywords or those that do not experience frequent fluctuations in rankings. It strikes a balance between staying informed and minimizing the time spent on tracking.

  1. Monthly Monitoring:

– For industries with less competitive keywords or businesses with stable rankings, monthly monitoring may be sufficient. This frequency still provides valuable insights without requiring excessive time and resources

  1. Quarterly Monitoring:

– In some cases, especially for long-term SEO strategies, tracking keyword rankings on a quarterly basis might be adequate. This approach is suitable for industries where changes in rankings occur gradually.

  1. Event-Driven Monitoring:

– Consider more frequent tracking during specific events such as major website updates, content overhauls, or changes in SEO strategy. Events like these can have a significant impact on keyword rankings.


Mastering SEO involves a multifaceted approach, and tracking keyword rankings is a pivotal aspect of this strategy. Whether you choose the manual search method for its cost-effectiveness and customization or leverage the power of Google Search Console for accurate insights, monitoring your keyword rankings provides the necessary data to refine your SEO efforts and stay competitive in the online landscape. Remember, the frequency of tracking should align with your industry dynamics, and consistent monitoring is the key to staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization.

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